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Copilot manifesto

You’ve made it to our docs. Hello! Thank you for checking out CommandBar.

You probably have some idea about what we do. Maybe you’ve seen us in another product (the best way to discover CB!), or read a blog post that mentioned us, or you’ve seen some of our elaborate marketing.

Before we dive into the details of how to achieve specific missions with CommandBar, we wanted to take a few moments to explain some core concepts that will make it 100x easier to understand our product.

What do we do, exactly?

CommandBar is a platform of multiple products. Specifically, we are a User Assistance Platform. Ok now you understand it perfectly and no further explanation is needed.

CommandBar Customer Logos

Just kidding. Let's spell that out further.

First, let's talk about what we mean by Users. For us, users are anyone using a digital product -- a web app, a desktop app, a mobile app, or a website.

Next, let's talk about Assistance. Assistance means helping them get more value out the product. If they're new, that might mean helping educate them about the product. If they have a specific mission in mind, it might mean helping them achieve it quickly and fully.

How does Copilot fit in?

We believe in helping users in two ways.

  • Responsively: when the user has a question or an ask, give them personalized help expeditiously
  • Proactively: intervene tastefully when the user would benefit from a nudge in the right direction

Copilot is our product that handles the first part.

Is Copilot just a chatbot?

Chatbots, known for one-sized-fits-all responses and a tendency to tell you to "sit tight, a human is on the way", have plagued the internet for years.

Copilot is kinda sorta a chatbot? It looks and feels like one:

  • it's a chat interface
  • users type in text
  • they can get text back

But unlike most chatbots, we designed Copilot to mimic how a human assistant would act if it was just standing (non-awkwardly) next to you while you use the computer.

  • Knows who you are: no generic answers -- incorporates what you've asked before, what you've done in the product, and the context of your question (what page you're on, etc). We can do this by using advances in generative AI, rather than relying on a tree-based approach like chatbots of old.
  • Bias to action: Copilot can leverage APIs and Workflows to look up and manipulate information. Like a human assistant that says "I can just take care of that for you" instead of guessing where you need to go in the product to do the thing.
  • Has arms: Sometimes, the best response is to just take over the mouse and say "here, let me show you". Copilot has the ability to co-browse with users to show them around your interface.

Is Copilot for me?

Typically Copilot is used by anyone who cares about helping users. Traditionally, that is support teams, but increasingly that includes other product builders too.

  • CX teams: focused on serving up answers to user questions quickly and accurately, while deflecting tickets the support team humans have to handle
  • Product teams: folks who think about onboarding and the holistic user journey, and use Copilot and chat as a tool to turbocharge it
  • Growth teams: people who can use chat as a tool to experiment and realize concrete outcomes, like increasing conversion or activation.
  • Product marketing teams: the humans who help talk to users, can now leverage this robot to converse with users.